From 1890 to today

In 1890 Dr. Jasper T. Tidball and his wife, Ella, built what is arguably Grafton’s prettiest home. The little Queen Anne, roughly 3300 square feet (full basement included), has graced Grafton’s Main Street all the while and seen the transition from the manufacturing age to the space age. Along the way, the little house fell into disuse and neglect. We are working to bring it back with updated utilities while keeping the Victorian sensibility of high ceilings and spacious rooms.

Dr. Tidball was a physician who not only practiced medicine from the downstairs bedroom but also built and maintained a drugstore next door. Here he is in Grafton’s first car.

All the buildings on that block to the west of the house burned in 1912, including the drug store, the mercantile, and the Ruebel Hotel. Dr. Tidball served the Grafton community for 30 years and more before he retired. Along the way there was newspaper coverage on several of his cases.

This from Feb. 28, 1894.

This from July 19, 1905.

This account is from April 13, 1907.

And this from April 23, 1907.

Not everything went swimmingly in Grafton. The boat yard owned and operated by the Rippley brothers was in business around the clock manufacturing state-of-the-art iron-hulled boats. That was at the foot or Oak Street, about a block away from the good doctor’s office and residence. The 24-hour-a-day riveting was more than the good doctor could tolerate. So he filed suit in Jerseyville, the county seat.

Not sure yet how the suit turned out.

Eventually, the good doctor sold his property and retired to California. This is from Oct. 1, 1909.

And this story is from October. 18, 1909.

Death came for him a few years later. This story is from May 1, 1911.

Mrs. Tidball survived until 1915.

The property has since been through a series of owners and residents: Meysenberg, Bolten, Burns, Amberg, Hoelscher, Elfin, and Simon. Now it is owned by David B. Schock, Ph.D., who sees a wonderful future ahead for the property and the community.

The house is a work in progress; not every detail is in place, nor will it be soon. But it is comfortable and it certainly has character and charm. If you need a perfect place to stay, this is not it. But if you want to be part of this story and be received with welcome…ah!